What to do when you are organizing an event

Tell your friends!

With at least three organizers, create a Facebook event page.  Have all the organizers invite all of their Facebook friends.  Even if people don’t come just because of the Facebook invite, an event will create a buzz and create reference for friends to check the event.

Send out a tweet or two each day about the event.  “Direct Message” the friends; organizers, and allies you expect to come.

Use other sites like Pinterest and Google+ to reach out to your networks.  The most likely people to attend the event will be people who know someone who is going to the event.

Tell the press!

Before you do anything else, think about the newsworthiness of the event.  Is it something that a reporter will want to write about?  If yes, do the following:

Write a media advisory with the details on the event.  (Get help at http://www.raiseyourvoice.com/mediaguide.shtml.)

Email the media advisory to local reporters and other reporters who might be interested in your event.  Reporters can be in television, radio, print newspaper, and the blogosphere.

Call and email reporters individually when needed.  When calling, smile, take a deep breath, and call the main phone number for their news outlet to tell them about the event.

Visit the websites or blogs of the top five reporters you want to reach.  Make intelligent comments on their articles or blog posts with information on your event.

Send a “direct message” tweet or “mention” tweet to them that contains information on your event.

Tell your community!

Talk to other groups who might be interested in your event.  Get them to “sponsor” your event, and ask them to invite their supporters and networks to the event.

Make a flyer that engages the eye with a who/what/when/where.  (Make sure the flyer contains the names of other groups who have endorsed.)  Place/post the flyer in your local coffee shops, stores, churches, and community centers.  If you can, post it to community bulletin boards.

Stand at a major intersection or subway station on a busy day.  Hand out flyers to passersby.

Get the event listed as a Public Service Announcement on your local radio station.  Call the radio station to ask how to do this.

Talk to prominent officials such as your mayor or dean of your school.  Ask them to send information about the event to their networks.